Psychic Readings
Readings are a powerful form of healing. They allow your spirit to give you clarity on any issue you are facing right now. Psychic readings are generally thought to be a prediction of the future, but you are the only person who can control what will happen. My role is to show you how you are currently setting energy for yourself, so that you can direct your life towards the outcome you most desire, with confidence and ease. Readings may be done over the phone or in person. Each reading includes a look at a couple of your past lives, and a thorough look at your aura and the energies within. If there is a particular aspect of your life where you would like more information such as Relationships, Career, Health and/or Family, you can bring them up with me at the beginning so I may best structure the reading in that direction.
If you are wanting specifically to speak with a loved one who has passed on, keep in mind that spirits may not always show up when called upon. There is an entire lively universe that exists beyond what we see, and your loved ones might be taking advantage of the opportunity to explore it, and effect positive change on the spiritual plane, before deciding to take on another lifetime on the planet. If for some reason they aren't available, I can still read their spirit clairvoyantly and see where they are and what they might be doing on the other side. When they are available to speak, I will always ask anyone who’s past to bring up something personal to you, so that you know it’s actually them conveying the message, but they may not be holding onto that same grudge that you’re worried about. Everything is brought to a broader perspective when we pass on, and they’re usually just excited to know you’re doing well. Imagine greatly missing your child or best friend, and suddenly getting a chance to speak with them for the first time in years; would you be worried, right off the bat, about a ring that went missing, or an argument over the laundry? Possibly, but that’s not what I usually see in these readings. They almost always start with “I love you!” “I miss you!” “I’m proud of you!” These are some of the most profound readings I’ve had with clients, and I love being able to offer them. If you’re specifically interested in this type of reading, please let me know during scheduling, as it does take a bit more meditation in preparation.
Animal Relationships
Our relationships with the animals in our lives serve an important function to our souls' improvement, much like those with other people. Bringing a new pet into our homes allows new opportunities for love and responsibility to take form. Animals are generally more sensitive to the energies around us and can easily pick up on shifts and changes in their environment. Is your pet exhibiting strange or unwelcome behaviors? Has she suddenly become ill for an unexplained reason? Is your farm animal not cooperating as well as he has before? How is your pet adapting to a new home or living arrangement? During these readings, I will speak directly to your furry (or feathered) friend, see what might be bothering them and what they like best, and heal your karmic contracts to help you both achieve a stronger bond, together.
"I'm happy I did this. Not only can I use this information for my dog, I can also apply this reading to my everyday interactions with my children. Thank you!" -Kenneth R.